During March and April with an end at the 11th of May the Van Gogh Museum POP UP exhibit and boutique will be in the Woodlands Mall Texas.
This Pop-up & Gift shop presents 9 replicas of leading masterpieces of Vincent van Gogh to the general public. The Van Gogh Museum Cultural Pop Up will be visiting 7 leading shopping centers in North America in 2019/2020.
This unique POP UP exhibit and Pop Up Merchandise Boutique has immedialy created a huge consumer interest and in the first 10 days many thousands of visitors have visited this POP UP event.
This third POP UP event by the Van Gogh Museum is placed in the common area of the Mall with an adjoining Merchandise boutique. It seems clear that consumers want more than just another merchandise display in a Mall to lure them away from the online sales opportunity.
Place a real exiting cultural event in the heart of a commercial Retail environment and see the consumers gravitate to that situation !
The Van Gogh Museum POP UP and Boutique will be in the Woodlands Mall Texas until the 11th May 2019.
Interested in this project? Send us a mail john@retail-is-detail.com or reach us by phone +31 6549 888 43.